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Post-works inspection

Article 193 of the Code Bruxellois de l'Aménagement du Territoire (CoBAT) stipulates that, on completion of acts and works subject to planning permission and prior to any occupation, at the request of the Collège des Bourgmestre et échevins, the fire service must carry out an inspection and issue a certificate of conformity (or not), unless the acts and works in question are exempt.

During the visit, please make available to the fire department representative:

  • plans of the planning permit application on the basis of which the fire prevention notice was issued (sealed plans);
  • where applicable, certificates of conformity of electrical, gas and fire-fighting and extinguishing systems;
  • certificates of conformity and "CE" markings of building elements: firstly for the reaction to fire of facade elements, roofing, wall, floor and ceiling coverings; secondly, the fire resistance of fire doors, walls, suspended ceilings, floors, columns and beams. These certificates of conformity must be issued by the architect, contractor or client. These supporting documents must be part of the building’s as-built file and are available in paper or digital form.
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