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Accessibility Statement

Brussels Firefighters are committed to making this site accessible in accordance with the following legislation: Ordinance regarding the accessibility of websites and mobile applications for regional government bodies and municipalities (Brussels Capital Region).

This accessibility statement applies to:

Level of Conformity

This website is partially compliant due to the non-conformities and exemptions listed below.

Preparation of this Statement

An external accessibility audit has been conducted. This audit involved a thorough analysis. You can consult the report here: https://scan.accessibility.belgium.be/fr/report/2024/web.staging.siamu.q8s.dev

Inaccessible Content

Some documents (pdf or docx) may come from external organizations. We do not have control over these documents and cannot make them accessible.

Proposed Alternatives

It is important for visitors to seek assistance from people around them to help complete their requests.

Contact Information

If you have any questions or feedback regarding the accessibility of our website, you can contact the communications department: com-pr@firebru.brussels

Improvement Plan

The website has a satisfactory level of accessibility. Updates will be made to improve the site's quality.

This statement was prepared on 01/10/2024.

The last review of the statement was conducted on 01/10/2024.

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